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Meeting User Needs for Sea Level Rise Information: A Decision Analysis Perspective [期刊论文]
EARTHS FUTURE, 2019-01-01, 7 (3) : 320-337
Hinkel, Jochen;  Church, John A.;  Gregory, Jonathan M.;  Lambert, Erwin;  Le Cozannet, Goneri;  Lowe, Jason;  McInnes, Kathleen L.;  Nicholls, Robert J.;  van der Pol, Thomas D.;  van de Wal, Roderik
Benefits of Climate-Change Mitigation for Reducing the Impacts of Sea-Level Rise in G-20 Countries [期刊论文]
JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, 2019-01-01, 35 (4) : 884-895
Brown, Sally;  Nicholls, Robert J.;  Pardaens, Anne K.;  Lowe, Jason A.;  Tol, Richard S. J.;  Vafeidis, Athanasios T.;  Hinkel, Jochen
Mobilizing private finance for coastal adaptation: A literature review [期刊论文]
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2018-01-01, 9 (3
Bisaro A;  , Hinkel J
Trajectories of exposure and vulnerability of small islands to climate change [期刊论文]
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2017-01-01, 8 (6
Duvat V;  K;  E;  , Magnan A;  K;  , Wise R;  M;  , Hay J;  E;  , Fazey I;  , Hinkel J;  , Stojanovic T;  , Yamano H;  , Ballu V
Global coastal wetland change under sea-level rise and related stresses: The DIVA Wetland Change Model [期刊论文]
Global and Planetary Change, 2016-01-01, 139
Spencer T.;  Schuerch M.;  Nicholls R.J.;  Hinkel J.;  Lincke D.;  Vafeidis A.T.;  Reef R.;  McFadden L.;  Brown S.
Gridded population projections for the coastal zone under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways [期刊论文]
Global and Planetary Change, 2016-01-01, 145
Merkens J.-L.;  Reimann L.;  Hinkel J.;  Vafeidis A.T.
Spatial variations of sea-level rise and impacts: An application of DIVA [期刊论文]
Climatic Change, 2016-01-01, 134 (3
Brown S.;  Nicholls R.J.;  Lowe J.A.;  Hinkel J.
The impacts of climate change across the globe: A multi-sectoral assessment [期刊论文]
Climatic Change, 2016-01-01, 134 (3
Arnell N.W.;  Brown S.;  Gosling S.N.;  Gottschalk P.;  Hinkel J.;  Huntingford C.;  Lloyd-Hughes B.;  Lowe J.A.;  Nicholls R.J.;  Osborn T.J.;  Osborne T.M.;  Rose G.A.;  Smith P.;  Wheeler T.R.;  Zelazowski P.
Global-scale climate impact functions: the relationship between climate forcing and impact [期刊论文]
Climatic Change, 2016-01-01, 134 (3
Arnell N.W.;  Brown S.;  Gosling S.N.;  Hinkel J.;  Huntingford C.;  Lloyd-Hughes B.;  Lowe J.A.;  Osborn T.;  Nicholls R.J.;  Zelazowski P.
Large amounts of labile organic carbon in permafrost soils of northern Alaska [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2015-01-01, 21 (7
Mueller C.W.;  Rethemeyer J.;  Kao-Kniffin J.;  Löppmann S.;  Hinkel K.M.;  Bockheim J.G.

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